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Sciatica and Back Pain Relief in Boulder

Going Beyond Back Pain and Sciatica to Live Your Best Life

doctor adjusting female practice member stomach lie downYou’ll experience relief from back pain and sciatica differently here at Network Wellness Center. Yes, pain is disruptive, yes it prevents you from doing all the things you love, and first, pain is a message. That message is telling you that something isn’t working correctly in your body. The neat thing about your body is that it is fully powered to heal itself, and sometimes it needs a little support in the way of chiropractic care to make sure that your body has access to all the resources it needs to heal. That’s where working with the doctors at Network Wellness Center comes in!

Any bodily discomfort is an opportunity to maximize life. When most folks come into the office, it’s usually because they’re experiencing a major, health-related life disruption, sometimes associated with back pain or sciatica. When they begin to receive care, they shift their focus away from seeking less discomfort, because pain, whether it’s in the neck or the back, has the potential to resolve itself once they optimize their neurostructural systems. It’s important for you to focus on what’s possible for your body and your life and turn those possibilities into goals that we work together to achieve.
Chiropractic visits are your opportunity to reconnect with your body on a deeper level, physically and mentally. You’ll often experience how your body is performing from appointment to appointment. When you consciously take the time to examine that, you’re able to see the more subtle changes in your body and communicate them to the doctors, who are able to adjust your system based on your exact needs.

Thousands of times, folks have started proactively taking care of themselves here at Network Wellness Center, getting their neurostructural adjustments and taking charge of their health, through body movement and nutrition. They start feeling better and are able to do all the things they love doing. They don’t just return to doing what they love, they do it at the highest level, whether it’s sports, gardening, child-rearing; whatever that thing is, an optimized spine leads to an optimized life. You can enjoy that abundant life too!


Back Pain and Sciatica are No Strangers to Dr. Knowles

When I was younger, I was in so much pain that I would have cut my leg off, if it was an option.”

That’s exactly what Dr. Knowles felt like when he was dealing with excruciating sciatic pain. In fact, he uttered those words. It wasn’t until he gave chiropractic care a try for himself that he was able to begin healing.

At Network Wellness Center, you work with the doctors to restore your body’s innate ability to heal itself by looking at the bigger health picture. While others take a “band-aid” approach to curing ailments, the self-healing you can accomplish when you receive focused, gentle care at Network Wellness Center is the key to lifelong, optimal health.

Healing At The Source

Just about every day, practice members in the practice come to Network Wellness Center focused, gentle care after having tried everything-surgeries, medication, physical therapy, and more. You can use Network Wellness Center as a last resort for care, and it’s important to understand that giving natural chiropractic care a try first may help you avoid years of pain or costly procedures that just don’t produce the results you want.

The focus of the care you can receive here is on healing the underlying cause of common ailments like sciatica or back pain. Just because you have pain in your leg or back doesn’t necessarily mean that’s where the issue lies. Sometimes, it can be a problem in your neck, shoulder, hips, or somewhere else. And ultimately the source is in the damage that’s been done to your nerve system by stress or injury.

The underlying causes of your pain will be identified by:

  • Specific examinations
  • Subluxation identification
  • Understanding your health history

Once the problem has been pinpointed, you can begin working with the doctors to teach your body to heal itself through focused, corrective spinal care. Your care isn’t a cookie-cutter approach. Your focused, gentle adjustments are always unique and specific to you.

Take Charge of Your Life, Take Charge of Your Back Pain and Sciatica

Here’s the thing; the goal in your focused, gentle care isn’t to just optimize your neural structure and function. It’s to empower you to take charge of your whole life. People feel their best when they receive care here, and they achieve their greatest dreams because they’ve started to overcome some of their biggest obstacles. That kind of thing can happen for you!

Book Your Visit Today

If you’re dealing with sciatica, back pain, or another ailment that you just can’t seem to shake, you’re invited into the practice to learn more about NetworkSpinal and focused adjustments. It just might be the start of the greatest chapter of your life yet!

Contact our team today to book your visit!

Practice Members Testimonials

  • My wife was in care before I was and she recommended I try it out because I was experiencing periodic low back pain, after being in care I have much greater ease in my back and when I get stressed, I find myself bouncing back much quicker than before.
    -Andrew S.
  • Dr Danny came and gave a lunch presentation in 2010 where I was working and offered a free spine evaluation, which showed me that I needed help! I no longer work there, which is great because now I run my own business doing what I love. I have a more positive outlook on life and feel more adaptable to the dynamics of life & people; i.e ‘dancing through the storms of life’. I currently have no physical pain and am able to dance again!
  • I came to NFWC because of back and gait issues that needed to be dealt with. The changes I have experienced are that my legs are balanced and don’t ache anymore! My neck and back are getting so much better after a bad fall.
  • I came to Network because of my chronic back pain. Now I have reduced pain and better quality of life!
    -Ashlee A.
  • I originally started care because of persistent back pain and now I experience much more comfort and much less stress.
    -Pauline M.
  • I came to NFWC because I was completely checked out, easily disassociated, I had lower back pain and very tight hips. All of this prevented me from going on long hikes, having consistent performance and quality mornings. I also used to really struggle to get going in the mornings. Before I came to NFWC, I typically opted out of the things that brought me happiness. Since starting chiropractic, my life has improved in so many ways that I have started taking more time in nature, following my joy, I’ve had more self compassion and I’ve been able to walk without limping!
    -Seriah R.


Sciatica and Back Pain Relief Boulder CO | (303) 998-1000