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How What You Eat Affects Sleep

man chopping veggiesWhat you eat affects how well you sleep. Making smart food choices, especially in the evening hours, can dramatically improve your sleep quality and help regulate your nerve system.

Foods That Disrupt Your Rest

Many common foods and drinks can sabotage your sleep without you realizing it:

Coffee, dark chocolate, and sodas contain caffeine that stays in your body for hours, keeping your mind alert when you want to wind down. Spicy and acidic foods like hot peppers or tomato-based dishes may trigger acid reflux when lying down.

High-fat meals require a longer digestion time, keeping your body working when it should be resting. Sugary treats cause blood sugar spikes and crashes that may wake you during the night.

Even alcohol, which might make you drowsy initially, disrupts REM sleep and leads to poor sleep quality with frequent awakenings.

Foods That Promote A Restful Night

Certain foods contain natural compounds that help regulate your sleep cycle:

Tart cherries, bananas, and pineapple naturally boost melatonin, your body’s sleep hormone. Almonds, pumpkin seeds, and dark leafy greens contain magnesium, which helps relax muscles and calm your nerve system.

Turkey, chicken, and dairy products supply tryptophan, an amino acid your body uses to make serotonin and melatonin. Complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oatmeal help regulate blood sugar and promote steady melatonin release.

Finding The Perfect Bedtime Snacks

If hunger strikes before bed, choose snacks that support your slumber rather than disrupt it:

  • Banana with almond butter combines sleep-promoting nutrients without heavy digestion
  • A small bowl of oatmeal with honey provides complex carbs and natural sweetness that won’t spike blood sugar
  • Warm milk with a dash of turmeric and cinnamon creates a calming beverage that soothes your nerve system
  • A small handful of walnuts and dried cherries delivers a potent dose of natural melatonin

The Nerve and Food Connection

Your digestive system and nerve system work closely together. Foods that calm digestion also help balance your nerve system function. By choosing sleep-friendly foods, you’re supporting both systems simultaneously.

True wellness comes from a balanced approach. While NetworkSpinal care addresses nerve system function directly, supporting your body with proper nutrition enhances those benefits.

Making small dietary changes, particularly in the evening hours, can complement your nerve system balancing effects of regular care, helping you naturally achieve a deeper, more restorative sleep. Book a visit to learn more.


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