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How NetworkSpinal™ Care Can Address Scoliosis

Teens at schoolEvery June, the Scoliosis Research Society sponsors National Scoliosis Awareness Month, with the goal of making more people aware of this spine deformity and how to address it. Drs. Daniel and Richelle Knowles would like you to learn more about this condition, including what the causes and symptoms are, and how the effects of scoliosis can be reduced.

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine most commonly seen in adolescents. There are three classes of this abnormal curvature of the spine: idiopathic, which means no known cause; congenital, resulting from an issue during pregnancy; and neuromuscular, related to muscular diseases like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. The most common type of scoliosis is usually diagnosed in adolescents during puberty.

While the majority of cases are mild, curves may worsen as children mature. A particularly severe spinal curve may reduce the chest cavity, making it challenging for the lungs to function properly.

What Are Some Symptoms?

There are many signs that may indicate scoliosis. If you notice one or more of the following signs, please book an appointment today at our practice:

  • Shoulders are uneven—one or both shoulder blades may protrude
  • Head is not directly centered over the pelvis
  • One or both hips are raised or unusually high
  • Rib cages are at different heights
  • Waist is uneven
  • Changes in the appearance or texture of the skin, such as dimples, hairy patches, or color
  • The whole body leans to one side

How an Abnormally Curved Spine Is Diagnosed

The following are typically used to diagnose an abnormally curved spine: physical examination, X-ray, spinal radiograph, CT scan, or MRI. The Cobb Method is used to measure the curve—the higher the number of degrees, the more severe the condition.

How NetworkSpinal Care May Help

Each individual who participates in our practice receives a personalized space to undergo healing through NetworkSpinal care. Once comprehensive testing is carried out, our medical professionals identify the factors impacting your nerve system and develop a tailored care plan to tackle the problem.

Drs. Daniel & Richelle Knowles are esteemed as two of the foremost, pioneering NeuroStructural health specialists globally. They assist in healing by pinpointing, rectifying, and re-educating the structural changes in your spine, as well as addressing the behavioral patterns that shape your experiences and worldview.

Other Ways to Improve Scoliosis

Exercise and stretching: Engaging in regular exercises and stretches specifically designed for scoliosis can help improve posture, strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine, and increase overall flexibility. Some effective exercises include plank variations, pelvic tilts, and cat-cow stretches. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist before starting any exercise program, to ensure it’s tailored to your unique condition.

Posture awareness and correction: Being aware of your posture throughout the day can help you make necessary adjustments to maintain proper alignment. Practice sitting and standing with your back straight, shoulders rolled back, and chin parallel to the ground. You might also consider using ergonomic furniture, such as chairs with lumbar support, to encourage proper posture.

Bracing and orthotic devices: For some individuals with scoliosis, wearing a brace or other orthotic device can help slow down the progression of spinal curvature and provide additional support. Your doctor can determine if this option is suitable for your specific situation, and which type of brace would be most effective.

Book an Appointment

Discover how our holistic services could help address your or your child’s scoliosis. Contact the practice today at (303) 998-1000 to schedule a chiropractic care appointment.

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