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Beyond Band-Aids: Preventing Neck and Back Pain with NetworkSpinal Care

preventing neck painWhen do you typically seek healthcare? If you’re like most Americans, it’s probably when something hurts or breaks down. At Network Wellness Center, you will receive care beyond the reactive approach that is one of the biggest mistakes in modern healthcare.  The wrong approach might be holding you back from your extraordinary potential.

Changing Your Thinking About Health

One of the downfalls of the US healthcare system is the prevailing mindset. Most people have been indoctrinated to believe that you only see a doctor when something needs fixing. This approach is like choosing to put on a seatbelt after you’ve gone through the windshield of a car!

What if there was a better way? What if you could prevent injuries before they happen?

The Science Behind Prevention

A study on NetworkSpinal Care revealed something remarkable:  practice members experience easier recovery from injuries, and they also experience a reduction in injuries altogether.

When your spine and nerve system are optimized through regular chiropractic care, you develop a greater capacity to handle physical impacts, as well as mental, emotional, and chemical stresses. Think of it as increased bandwidth for your body’s internal communication system.

Your Body’s Wisdom at Work

Your body’s wisdom can assemble the forces to make changes more effortlessly when your nerve system is functioning optimally. When you begin to experience early signs of changes in physical alignment or muscular tension patterns, you become better able to listen to your inner voice and make necessary adjustments.

The Gardening Example

Consider this scenario: If you were gardening for hours without changing your position, you’d likely end up in significant pain by the end of the day. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have an underlying injury,  It simply means you weren’t able to receive the messages to change position.

When your nerve system is responsive, you’ll notice subtle cues to take breaks, shift your weight, or change your position. The less responsive your nerve system is, the less you’ll perceive these important signals, and the more you’ll experience neck pain, back pain, and other structural issues.

Stop Blaming, Start Optimizing

Many people blame their pain on specific incidents and look for someone to “band-aid” the problem. What if instead of saying, “It’s my injury,” you recognized that your spine and nerve system weren’t optimized in the first place?

The NetworkSpinal Difference

The main benefit of chiropractic care, especially NetworkSpinal, is developing a more responsive and adaptive nerve system. This increases your ability to make changes and, importantly, helps prevent injuries before they occur.

If you’re ready to experience this transformative approach to health, you can unlock your extraordinary potential through NeuroStructural optimization, with Boulder chiropractors, Drs. Daniel and Richelle Knowles at Network Wellness Center.

Happy spine, healthy YOU!

Discover how NetworkSpinal Care can help you prevent pain rather than just treating it! Schedule a consultation with the NWC team today.

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