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A New Approach to Neck Pain in Boulder

What if neck pain was your opportunity to live more healthily and happily?

man working at a desk with neck painAt Network Wellness Center, practice members primarily come to us to help manage and overcome unexpected pain and discomfort. While we’re happy to be able to restore balance to your body and promote healing from within, we like to guide practice members toward understanding the pain you’re experiencing is a gift–in fact, it could be saving your life.


Think of it this way. When your car is having a problem, the check engine light appears on your dashboard. Luckily, this light lets us know that something is wrong before something bad happens. That way, we can seek the help we need from a mechanic to repair our car before we break down in the middle of nowhere and are stranded without help.

Neck pain is exactly the same. It’s an alert from your body that something isn’t working as it was designed to, and your neck is extremely important to the health of your overall body. That’s because every communication sent from your brain must travel through your cervical spine on the way to its destination.

When the spinal bones of your neck are misaligned due to stress, injury, tension or trauma, it’s difficult for the rest of your body to function correctly.

Focused Chiropractic Care Exactly Where You Need It!

When you choose us for your care, we’ll start with focused testing to determine the cause and root issue of your neck pain. Then, we’ll devise a custom care plan to help your body heal naturally, which might include addressing misalignment or decay in your upper spinal bones. Our goal for every practice member is to help them achieve their natural health goals, and close the gap from where they are currently to where they could be: At peace and in positive health, naturally.

You might be surprised that the improvements in your life aren’t just your body’s wellness and comfort, you might find whole new ways to do all the things you love better and with more intention. We don’t aim to only adjust your neck, but your whole way of looking at life.

Listen To What Your Neck Pain is Saying!

If your neck is causing pain and discomfort, we’re here to help, and encourage you not to ignore the signals your body is putting out. Contact us to learn more about focused, gentle chiropractic care today. We can’t wait to welcome you into the practice.

Practice Member Testimonials

  • I had constant neck pain, could not really turn my head and it stuck out. I had/have tried a lot of chiropractic with minimal improvement, so I was desperate as I could not do the things I wanted to do. Since being at NFWC I have noticed a large amount of change. What really made sense was taking care of the spine and how the light and heavier touches can also affect the organs. I continually improve, stand up straighter, neck and body (back) coming more into alignment and limitations are vanishing.
  • I tried Network care because I had a lot of pain in my neck and have been healing from an auto-immune disease. Now I feel better overall feel like my healing accelerates when I’m in care.
    -Katie H.
  • I came to NFWC because of neck and back pain and stayed because regular treatment has continued to move me toward better and better health- physical, mental, and spiritual. Because of care I am sick much less often and I handle stress much better.
    -Susan W.
  • I had a lot of neck and back pain when I first came here for care. Now my neck hardly ever hurts anymore and I have noticed a huge improvement in my mood and my ability to breathe deeply. I am truly grateful for what the Network team has done for me in such a short amount of time.
    -Nikki J.
  • I had neck pain for 2 years that was never relieved by conventional chiropractic or massages. Now my pain has decreased significantly and I have an increased sense of calmness.
    -Elizabeth H.


Neck Pain Relief Boulder CO | (303) 998-1000